
At Norby Dental, you'll discover dental technology at the highest level possible.

Technology, advanced training, and compassionate service blended perfectly together.

Dr. Darren Norby carefully selects technologies proven to deliver the finest experience to their patients. This means comfortable procedures and predictable results. A winning formula, you'll find that contemporary dental care with Norby Dental  leaves you smiling.


We're excited to offer the most advanced imaging process in dentistry: ConeBeam CT scanning, or 3D imaging. This technology allows us to create virtually unlimited views of your teeth, face, and neck with just one scan. We're able to obtain high-quality, detailed information to diagnose and plan your treatment needs. We can evaluate your teeth and facial structures from literally every angle, in 3D, and in color! Routine x-rays, on the other hand, produce a single flat image with limited information.

The ConeBeam CT imaging system is a digital x-ray scanner that rotates once around your head while you stand or simply sit in a chair. The process is quick, simple, and completely painless. The scans produced are as precise as conventional CT (CAT) scans, but use far less radiation. The applications in dentistry are limitless. We use these scans to provide the best treatment in dental implants, root canals, diagnosis of dental and facial pain, etc.

Regardless of your needs, 3D imaging makes it possible to plan and customize your care unlike never before. You can have absolute confidence and satisfaction in the treatment you receive, knowing we've analyzed every problem with 3D technology.


Most of the restorations and appliances used to restore and protect your mouth involve extremely high levels of customization. Traditionally, hours of hand labor in a dental laboratory are invested in these products. With the adoption of more technology into dentistry, CAD/CAM continues to grow in importance with unsurpassed benefits to you.

Computer-aided design (CAD) involves the design and creation of three-dimensional models for services such as crowns, veneers, onlays, inlays and bridges with absolute precision. Even dentures, mouthguards, and some forms of orthodontic treatment result from this technology. Sophisticated software allows these highly detailed procedures to become more controlled than ever before.

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) sends the geometrical design data to an automated milling machine. This digital manufacturing process offers many enhancements for you, including:

  • Precise metal-free beauty
  • Undetectable surface texture
  • Single dental visit convenience
  • Exceptional fit and function
  • Durable, long-lasting service

Intraoral Camera

Intra-oral imaging gives you a detailed view of your mouth. Words come to life when you can see what we see.

Visually transferring specific conditions in your mouth to a computer screen brings clarity simply not possible with a traditional mouth mirror. Specialized hand-held wands quickly capture the details of your teeth and gums. In fact, even small cracks that often lead to broken teeth appear vividly, just with the click of a button.

As an added benefit, dental insurance benefits frequently pay easier with the visual proof of a captured image in our records.

Oral Appliances

One of our goals is to provide the most conservative treatment possible in every situation. Oral appliances offer simple, non-invasive care for a variety of conditions. Regardless of the application, every appliance we prescribe is custom-crafted for you with excellent fit and function.

Regardless of your needs, 3D imaging makes it possible to plan and customize your care unlike never before. You can have absolute confidence and satisfaction in the treatment you receive, knowing we've analyzed every problem with 3D technology.

Sleep Apnea

We're concerned about the overall health of our patients, including sleep health. Many people suffer needlessly from dangerous sleep disruptive disorders that keep them from getting enough oxygen at night. The risk of a heart attack is 23 times more likely than average with a sleep disorder, and 92% of stroke victims live unknowingly with apnea before an attack.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth are the hardest substance in our bodies and can withstand a tremendous amount of force. But damage can occur to this highly mineralized surface, especially when grinding forces start to wear it away. A habit of nighttime clenching or grinding will harm teeth, muscles, and jaw joints over time. Protecting against abrasive forces is critical in these cases.

Soft Tissue Laser

Laser technology continues to transform many procedures in healthcare. Once the subject of sci-fi movies, lasers now clearly provide benefits for mainstream treatment in medicine and dentistry. Shorter procedures, less discomfort, and rapid healing comprise just a few of the benefits offered by modern lasers.

The soft tissues of the mouth cover about 30 square inches of surface area, and sometimes require treatment. Annoying lumps or bumps may need removal with unusual patches of tissues submitted for further microscopic analysis.  Traditionally, a surgical procedure involving incisions and sutures would be required to produce an acceptable remedy for these situations. Today, a pen-shaped wand allows Dr. Darren Norby to remove gently suspicious or bothersome bumps within a couple of minutes. The healing stimulated by laser energy leads to rapid resolution and little to no discomfort, without the need for stitches.

Similarly, gums can be quickly reshaped without bleeding for ultimate appearance and health, and some gum infections treated with rapid resolution afterwards. Even cold sores or mouth ulcers can undergo faster healing when laser energy passes over the surface. Better yet, the days of pain associated with these recurring ulcers can be dramatically decreased immediately. Lasers may also be used with children to help growth and development issues or help wisdom teeth move into place.

A soft tissue laser offers a valuable benefit to many commonly treated conditions in the mouth. Dr. Norby's specific training in laser protocols opens up numerous possibilities using one of modern dentistry's most versatile tools.


During your visits, we're observing many aspects of your overall health including a visual exam of all areas of your mouth. Most people are surprised at the large amount of surface area that lines the mouth: Over 30 square inches of tissue make up the oral cavity!

While oral cancer can afflict anyone, tobacco users put themselves at significantly higher risk than non-users. Chewing tobacco contains up to 3000 different chemicals, including the same compounds used in pesticides and embalming fluid. Cellular changes below the surface aren't always detectable until they've advanced to a critical stage. That's why we rely on the Velascope technology to help us examine the tissue of both users and non-users of tobacco.

Velascope is a wireless, handheld device that produces a natural tissue fluorescence that significantly enhances our visual exam. Recognized by the World Health Organization, this award-winning technology has conducted more than 25 million exams. Easy to use and painless, Velascope helps give us vital information in our quest for early detection of any cancerous or pre-cancerous changes.

If we suspect any unusual changes in your mouth tissue, we may suggest a biopsy and microscopic analysis by a qualified lab.

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